Thursday, July 21, 2011

Basic Instructions...

I truly believe I am in one of my happiest states of mind when I am in prison.  I love my incarcerated sisters and miss them when I'm on the outside.  Unfortunately, by the end of Aug they will be even further away.

I've had the opportunity to be in prison twice this past week.  Sunday was the Kairos monthly reunion, and though attendance was WAY  low, spirits were high.  Wednesday I was blessed to return to this facility for the last time.  The ladies were putting on a play, and for folks of limited means, they did a fantastic job!  Think about it ~ your resources are slim pickin's in prison.  But these ladies made a set, backdrops and costumes (some of which were downright hilarious.)

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.  Sound familiar?  This play is about the life of Talia, a fictional character who had been dealt her share of low blows and questioned Christ's presence in her life.  The story opens with a scene at a bus stop where Talia is trying to find her next fix, when she is assaulted and shot, crying out to Jesus as she falls.  As unconscious Talia lies there, spirit Talia looks down in dismay and is greeted by the Jesus she called out for.  Talia accuses Jesus of not being there for her as He had promised and abandoning her in her greatest needs throughout her life.  Jesus then walks Talia through her life and shows her how He really was with her all long.

B.I.B.L.E. (the play) is an original work, written and directed by primary 3 residents ~ but they refuse to take full credit.  Each scene was inspired by experiences in the real lives of other inmates, each scene one of many on the path that led them to incarceration.  Of course, the free-world community that had been invited in didn't know this at first.  We enjoyed the humor and wit with which the play had been written, knowing that these scenes are truth somewhere out there.  But my heart broke with the realization that "somewhere" was much closer than I had realized.

Kudos to the ladies of Franklin Pre-Release Center for their wonderful talent and performance!!  I love them all, and pray for their continual walk in His grace.  They may not be free in this world, but He will see to it that they are free in eternity.  I look forward to ministering to them again once the transition to the new facility is complete.  Until then, my heart and prayers go with them.  To my incarcerated Kairos sisters ~  God Bless!!

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