Tuesday, September 27, 2011

You Want a Piece of Me?

So does everyone else, it seems.

The last 4 days have been the perfect example of the importance of saying no.  My life runs at the speed of light sometimes, and the with the demands on my time prioritization is a priority.  I'm a wife and mother of 2 boys, I have a job outside the house, even more jobs within, and I'm involved in more than one ministry.  Throw trying to stay physically, mentally and spiritually healthy into that mix and there just aren't enough hours in the day.

Last Thursday my husband called me as I was leaving my office to ask if I wanted to meet some friends 45 minutes away for bowling with our kids.  Since the kids were off from school and I was off from work on Friday we went.  And we had a wonderful time.  Friday was stupid busy.  My oldest son ended up in the doc's office, grocery shopping needed to be done ~ which is never a small task since it only gets done every 2 weeks ~ and then prep for pizza and game night ~ which also happens every 2 weeks.  Somehow I managed to squeeze in a workout before half of our guests decided to arrive about an hour early.  We had 20some people in our house Friday night, and we were finally kicking them out after 10pm.

Saturday morning, a free breakfast certificate was burning a hole in my husband's pocket.  Then my son's allowance was burning a hole in his.  And clean up from Friday night was still waiting for me.  Saturday night we had people over for dinner again, and then took them to church with us.  Sunday I actually got to rest a little ~ before heading out to a team building meeting for a ministry weekend we are involved in.  We got home in enough time to put dinner in the over for the guests that were coming Sunday evening to discuss my husband's ideas for church planting.

Thank God for Monday.  Back to the relaxation of my treatment room (I'm a massage therapist, for those who might not know.)  I only worked a half-day due to my boys having dental appts (more busy) and I thought the rest of my evening would be just chilling at home.  Silly me.  In the 45 minutes that I tried to workout I received several texts and a phone call from people wanted to see me that evening.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!!!  I have been entertaining and surrounded by people all weekend!!!!  Can't I be left ALONE for ONE evening?!!  Here is where I demonstrate my ability to say NO.  No, we cannot get together before our lunch date on Friday.  No, I cannot meet you at a your friend's house to pray for them ~ I don't know them, anyway, so you'll have to pray for YOUR friend without me.  No, I don't want to go out for dinner ~ I don't mind making dinner and being in the quiet of my own home with my boyz.

As I write this, it is Tuesday morning.  My day off.  And I have a ministry meeting 45 minutes away this afternoon ~ after I clean my house, do the laundry, and try to get a workout.  Tomorrow evening we will have people over again, and then again on Friday (after my lunch date), and on Sunday we will be out of town.  I hope no one other than my boyz want something from me Thursday or Saturday because the answer is going to be a resounding NO!

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